Protect Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

AlexiaCareer Advice, Financial

For business leaders, no matter how well-intentioned we are, there is a never ending stream of problems that have the potential to sink us. Or at the very least make us feel like we are swimming backwards, or even just treading water, rather than swimming ahead.

I’ve, unfortunately, swum into a lot of them over the years.

When I launched my coaching and consulting business, initially called Catalyst for Action, I operated as a sole proprietor rather than as an LLC with S-Corp status. As a result, money that I earned that could have been reinvested in my business to scale it was being paid in taxes.

I also once received a cease and desist letter with a high three-figure fine for using an image in a blog post that, unbeknownst to me, belonged to a museum collection. I had thought linking to the source where I had obtained the image I was referencing was enough. But it wasn’t. An embarrassing, humbling, and costly mistake.

Then, there have been all of the times I’ve drafted agreements for my clients and independent contractors and secretly (well, not that secretly) wondered, “Is this actually protecting me?”

Fortunately, I’ve recently invested the time, money, and energy to get my business house in order to protect myself from naive and costly mistakes. I am so passionate about alerting those with a business or as my friend Jenny Blake says, “side hustle”, to the importance of protecting their work and their legacy that I’ve recently become an affiliate for a few programs that provide entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders with the knowledge, tools, and resources to protect themselves.

My friend, attorney Genavieve Shingle Jaffe (Damsel in Defense™) is hosting a FREE webinar on WednesdaySeptember 24 at 12pm EST (it will be recorded) where she will be sharing 5 strategies to protect your business and personal assets.

Genavieve is an expert on trademarks, copyright rules, entity formation, confidentiality/non-disclosure agreements…you know, all the super non-sexy, really important stuff most of us prefer not to think about…until we have to.

For more details and to register, click HERE. Trust me, this content is important. You want to make the time.

And speaking of making good use of time, have you taken a moment to grab a spot on the VIP List for Your Spotlight Talk? If not, hop on over. ASAP! My team and I have put together a super offer for less than the price of dinner that will only be available to people on that list. See you over in Your Spotlight Talk land.