What if your workshops left your audience members smarter, more skilled, and saying yes to you and your programs?
I want to radically transform people’s lives.
I want to be THE go-to expert in my space.
I want to build a waiting list of people ready to work with me.
I want to hit six-figures.
I want to hire a team.
I want to stop worrying about money.
I want to stop feeling like my business is a very expensive hobby.
For a lot of years, I wanted everything on this list. I worked hard. I set a heck of a lot of intentions. And … undermined those intentions by consistently creating two (seemingly) diametrically opposed choices: Do good work. OR earn big bucks.
I desperately wanted to believe I could do good work AND earn big bucks.
But for too many years in my speaking and training business (and heck, for too many years in my career), I couldn’t figure out how. I chronically overworked, under earned, and fooled myself into thinking my meager earnings were a testament to my service and skill.
My scarcity mindset inevitably sabotaged my performance. After routinely earning near perfect scores on speaker evaluations, I started to get lackluster marks. I questioned everything I had come to believe about my talent and worthiness.
I breathed a deep sigh of relief on the day I finally stepped out of that torturous game of ping pong between do good work OR earn big bucks.
Of course it took more than a day to turn things around – but surrendering to what I knew was possible for me – to do good work AND earn big bucks – changed everything.
I lead intimate, interactive, transformational workshops (and corporate trainings and retreats) that allow me to serve more people (at a deep level), be known for my ideas (and the impact I create), and generate meaningful revenue (to design the life, business and legacy that I want).
Before hanging out my shingle as a speaker, trainer and coach in 2007, I worked as a trainer and educator for a non-profit organization housed within a university. I had a list of thousands to market to, and I never had to worry about the financial side of things – although I was downright genius at throwing some crazy cool workshops with little to no budget.
Despite getting pretty darn awesome at leading workshops over the last 15 years (and honing my chops for the last 8 training others how to do the same), it took me WAY too long to learn how to make workshops profitable.
I didn’t master the marketing or money pieces of
profitable workshop facilitation until 6 years ago.
My dark night of the soul occurred in July 2011.
Less than one month after moving into my first home, I learned the six-figure training contract I had secured for the next year had been cut.
I had let go of many smaller speaking and training engagements to create the bandwidth for this new opportunity. And (to pour more salt into this deep wound), my husband had just been furloughed from his job. Our short-term savings (thanks to home upgrades I had splurged on) was less than a few thousand dollars.
After a lot of sobbing and soul-searching, I decided once and for all to master the financial piece of making speaking and training profitable. I created multiple streams of speaking revenue with workshops, retreats and corporate trainings as the foundation. I developed my sales skills. Aligned my live events with high-level offerings.
We must marry awesome content with well-honed facilitation skills.
We also must excel at the money and marketing pieces.
As I created extraordinary results for myself, I knew I had to show others how to do the same. Which is why I created Your Spotlight Workshop.
In Your Spotlight Workshop, you receive everything you need to create the mindset, marketing and moves to transform people’s lives through live, experiential workshops.
Maybe you are a health coach who wants to show clients how to rewrite the script for how they live and play in their bodies.
Perhaps you are a digital marketer who excels at helping clients grow their online audiences.
Heck, you may even be an accomplished educator or performer with years of teaching experience who wants to deepen your leadership practice AND compile the tools necessary to make workshops a financial success.
I designed Your Spotlight Workshop for those who are amped up to create workshops that leave participants so jazzed they are asking how they can become long-term, private clients (before you ever ask them to be!).
When you enroll in Your Spotlight Workshop, you’ll spend 8 weeks
immersed in a live, supported, multimedia group coaching experience.
You’re in the right place if your goals are to:
- Fuse the business side of workshop development with the content and delivery side – in the hands of a learning and development leader who has mastered profitability and transformational facilitation.
- Build the mindset, skills and tools you need to succeed in all facets of leading workshops – via one new complementary focus each week (including two let’s get this deliciousness done implementation weeks).
- See and experience how to design and lead workshops with different learning styles in mind, so your expertise and passion lands exactly where your participants need it most.
In real time | For 8 consecutive weeks | You have access for as long as I run the program. |
Via digital training | You get access to our gorgeous membership site | New module released every Monday – starting October 2. Modules contain:
Via live group coaching calls | 1 call per week for 8 consecutive weeks. These are NOT traditional Q&A calls! | All calls are conducted on the Zoom video conferencing platform (with computer and telephone participation options available), and run from 10am-12pm pacific as follows:
Week 1: Thursday, October 5th Coaching calls will be recorded if you cannot attend live, and the video and audio from them will be uploaded to your membership quarters. You will also connect with me and fellow Your Spotlight Workshoppers in a private Facebook group. Throughout our time together, you will have a ton of access to me and to a community of trailblazing transformational leaders going through the experience with you. |
Your Spotlight Workshop 8 week curriculum:
- Demystify the integral components that must be in place to create a successful workshop experience for you and your participants
- Discover how to marry your passions and expertise with what your ideal participants want, need and will invest in
- Identify what your ideal participants know about the content you will cover, what they struggle with and what “experiences” they must have in your workshop for true transformation to take place
- Brainstorm key details about your workshop — location, date, cost — and create a preliminary budget (you will refine these details in Week 6 once your workshop is created)
- Discover and use key tenets of adult learning theory to create workshops that engage participants across the learning spectrum
- Plan activities in a sequence that meets participants where they are and takes them where you (and they) want to go
- Compile over a dozen icebreakers and group building activities (and watch real footage of me leading them) to ensure you are clear on how to do so
- Find your authentic facilitation style and voice, and master each core competency for effective workshop facilitation
- Create and sustain a safe and trusting learning environment where people can take risks, be present with their emotions, and ask real questions
- Develop your capacity to facilitate breakthroughs and deep transformation for participants through individual and group coaching and role play
- Watch real footage of “difficult group dynamics” in a workshop to see firsthand how to troubleshoot them
- You will use this key week to implement what you’ve learned and assimilated during weeks 1-3. So much progress is made during these implementation weeks, where you not only get to “take a breath” from the content, you get to dive into deep creation and planning mode.
- On this week’s Live Coaching Access call I answer questions about workshop planning, participant experience and facilitation. Those who step up receive my laser coaching on their workshop curriculum plan, and the group gains value from watching my facilitation in practice. Participants get to practice “taking the stage” (with your peers, potential promotional partners, and possibly even potential attendees in the audience).
- Identify and sculpt an irresistible offer that begins where your workshop leaves off to enroll participants in additional programs with you
- Develop a narrative for your offer that integrates your story with what you want for participants (and counters objections before they emerge)
- Speak your offer in the same voice and with the same energy as you facilitate (I won’t let you get weird during the money conversation!)
- Create a plan for back-of-house logistics and outline promotional materials you need to ensure your offer converts
- Learn how to close additional participants through timely follow-up calls
- Identify a hooky name for your workshop and create compelling event copy to draw the right participants into the room
- Refine your working event budget and learn my top tips for keeping your costs low
- Create an authentic and effective marketing plan to get the right butts in seats (I’ll peel back the curtain and share the exact strategies I use to fill my workshops with eager participants)
- Plan and execute a seamless registration process for workshop participants before your workshop and on the day of
- Troubleshoot unanticipated hiccups to registration success (aka Registration 911)
- Explore key opportunities to repackage your workshop, irrespective of topic, into a training (or series of trainings or a retreat) for a corporate audience
- Learn who corporate decision makers are, where they hang-out, and how to get in front of them to elicit buy-in for your training
- How to move from pitch to proposal to agreement to gig (and avoid the pitfalls that can undermine an otherwise successful “deal”)
- Price your corporate training appropriately and lay the foundation for a long-term, lucrative relationship
- You will use this key week to implement what you’ve learned and assimilated during weeks 5-7. So much progress is made during these weeks, where you not only get to “take a breath” from the content, you get to dive into deep creation and planning mode.
- On this week’s Live Coaching Access call I answer questions about workshop offers, sell out strategy and pivoting for corporate. Those who step up receive my laser coaching on their workshop business plans and the group gains value from watching my facilitation in practice. Participants get to practice “taking the stage” (with your peers, potential promotional partners, and possibly even potential attendees in the audience).
Participants RAVE About My Coaching and Training Programs!
Working with Alexia, attending her retreats, and using the techniques she shares in her courses have been game-changing for me. Seriously, she’s helped me grow my speaking career in ways I never thought were possible, and she is like no other teacher in this field.
Gabriela Pereira | Author, Speaker and Founder of DIY MFA
Before Your Spotlight Workshop, I felt cloudy about my message. Alexia helped me bring what I had to say to the surface. The process was AMAZING. She has a way of working that is balanced between intuition and practical steps. Since YSW, I have offered multiple live workshops. I host a radio show. Every single day I feel like I’m going to burst with excitement about following this path, sharing an important message and being a part of something that is so big. Alexia, thank you for breathing life into my dreams. Your Spotlight Workshop was the best investment I’ve made in my business! And trust me, I’ve invested $$$$$$!
Cheryl Truesdale | TV and Radio Personality
I learned so much more than I expected from the Your Spotlight Workshop program. Not only did I learn how to create a workshop, but I learned about creating retreats and how to ask for the right amount of money for my services knowing that I will deliver outstanding value to the clients who need what I have to help them. The curriculum in Your Spotlight Workshop is something I revisit frequently because I pick up new tips each time I refer back to the videos or worksheets. I would recommend Your Spotlight Workshop to anyone who wants to teach or coach.
Melody Charles | Biblical Marriage Coach
Lex’s expanse of business knowledge is incredibly helpful. She is far more than a speaking coach. I trust her with anything about my business from its site and marketing, to its outreach and ability to scale. You can tell she genuinely cares about your success.
Shannon Elhart | Speaker, Author, Spiritual Teacher and Founder of Green Heart
In 8-Weeks, Be Prepared to Lead Profitable
(and Transformational) Live Workshops!
When you enroll in the Your Spotlight Workshop
group coaching and training program, you receive:
- 8 live coaching calls with me (where you receive live, real-time coaching).
- 6 interactive, participant-centered training modules.
- Video footage of me leading a live, interactive workshop.
- Done-for-you templates, cheat sheets and worksheets (available as digital downloads).
- Full access to our gorgeous membership site with lifetime access to your program materials.
- Virtual masterminding w/ me and fellow YSW participants in a private Facebook community.
- Live curriculum and profit planning reviews.
- Workshop business planning and sales materials.
Design, lead, fill and monetize live workshops for
6 payments of $257. (Pay in full $1397 and save $145!)
Whether you are looking to enroll 8-10 people into your first workshop and generate five-figures of revenue, or you are looking to use workshops to add six-figures to your existing business income, through my training and coaching I’ll give you a blueprint, the know-how, the resources and the mindset to make back your investment (many, many, many times over).
While I can’t (and won’t) guarantee your exact earnings, I can tell you that my clients and program participants experience big shifts (and equally big results) through our work together.
My Students Have HUGE Breakthroughs in My Programs
Alexia brings a unique blend of skill, knowledge and perception. She is brilliant at helping you find your voice and articulate your message, strategic in teaching you the “how to” of launching a speaking business, and wise and compassionate in coaching you through the inevitable mindset gremlins that want to keep you playing small. She inspires you to believe in yourself, turn setbacks into opportunities, and above all, keep going!
Jean Haynes | Career and Leadership Speaker, Trainer and Coach
I first joined Alexia’s program after hearing Alexia speak about her work (and practically running up to her) at an event. I had been looking for a way to improve and get comfortable (aka: get over my fear) with public speaking. I am so thankful and grateful for the choice I made and the opportunity to be a part of multiple amazing, life-changing programs Alexia leads. I now lead workshops with entire school communities, have delivered a TEDx talk, speak at national education conferences, and inspire others to articulate their individual core values as I grow my business and my movement.
Sandi Herrera | CEO, The Hunter Group and Founder, Got Core Values
I knew right away that I wanted to work with Alexia because of her visible moxie. I have been able to secure speaking engagements and craft my own signature spotlight workshop that I feel good about. I now have the courage to be seen as a thought leader in my field. Alexia attracts amazing women to her programs and has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share, as well as an innate ability to see through your obstacles. She will give you exactly what you need to move forward and achieve your desired goals.
Teena Evert, LMFT, LAC, CRC, CHPC | Feminine Presence Coach
I came by Alexia through a recommendation from one of my past business mentors. When she released Your Spotlight Workshop, I knew I had to join. Alexia has helped me see the power I have to truly transform people’s lives. She gives you everything you need to create the impact you want in a live setting, from attracting your ideal participant to closing the deal. She leaves nothing out and takes care of you in the most authentic way, as does the entire YSW community. I’ve taken so many programs and I will say hands down, the value and support that Alexia provides is incomparable. If you want to create a deep impact in a live setting, join Your Spotlight Workshop. You will not regret it. You have my word.
Tina Paymaster | Ayurvedic Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach
While it’s not my style to make up a bunch of bonuses to persuade you to enroll in a program with me – given that Your Spotlight Workshop is super juicy on its own (plus everything that could be a bonus is already a core part of Your Spotlight Workshop), I AM including a series of LIVE video interviews with a few of my soul sisters. Through these interviews, you will learn how some powerhouse entrepreneurs are using intimate live events to make bank (and beaucoup impact). And, you’ll be able to ask them your specific questions if you attend live.
Emily Williams
Emily Williams is a success coach, entrepreneur and author with a seven-figure business. After experiencing a quarter life crisis, she moved from Ohio to London (where she knew no one!) and in 2014 launched her business, I Heart My Life. She made $442 in her first month – and then went on to hit six figures in six months, before her 30th birthday. She grew it to seven figures in under 18 months. Today, Emily works with female entrepreneurs all over the world, and she hosts a variety of live events for her group program and mastermind clients.
Lisa Fabrega
When it comes to doing your great work in the world, Lisa Fabrega has a simple philosophy—every time you hold back, self-sabotage, and keep yourself from stepping into the leadership you know you were born to embody, you are affecting the fate of the world, because you are removing a key player—YOU. As a truth-telling coach, writer, and mastermind and retreat leader, she has devoted her life to helping people get rid of fear, anxiety and self doubt so that they can unleash their inner Gandhi, Mother Teresa or MLK’s and make a powerful impact in the world.
Kate Swoboda
Kate Swoboda is Director of the Courageous Living Coach Certification. Kate was deemed one of the top 50 bloggers in health, fitness and happiness by Greatist. She has contributed to Entrepreneur, USA Today, Forbes, and more. She has been a consultant for teams within businesses, and she’s spoken at conferences and seminars on the topic of courage as it relates to a wide range of topics. The Courage Habit: How to Accept Your Fears, Release the Past, and Live Your Courageous Life (New Harbinger Publications) arrives spring 2018.
Liz Scully
With 20 years in film, Emmy award-winning Liz Scully now runs Mastermind teams for entrepreneurs that are ridiculously fun and highly effective through her company, Rethink Central. With her Mastermind Concierge service, she helps influencers add Masterminds as a massive new revenue stream, ensuring their clients get amazing service without even having to show up to run them themselves. Which frees everyone up to eat more cake, something that creates a sweeter world all round.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Your Spotlight Workshop a good fit for?
Your Spotlight Workshop is designed for entrepreneurs (i.e., coaches, consultants, strategists, healers, therapists, lawyers, designers, etc.) who want to use intimate live events to generate meaningful revenue for their businesses. Brand new through seasoned entrepreneurs benefit from the program because I show you how to fill an in-person workshop whether or not you have a list, how to facilitate game-changing content during the workshop whether you have spoken or led events before, and how to use your workshop to move your participants into ongoing programs and experiences with you.
I’m not sure I understand exactly how the content will be delivered. Can you break it down for me?
Digital Training Access: Each module is comprised of video training, where I walk you through the curriculum of Your Spotlight Workshop. Videos include narrated instructional (PowerPoint) lessons, as well as oodles of footage of me leading an actual workshop. Each module also has accompanying digital templates and practical exercises to get you into action quickly.
Live Coaching Access: Each week for 8 consecutive weeks (starting October 5) I host a live, 2-hour coaching call from 10am-12pm pacific. You call in to receive coaching on any facet of your work in the program, and benefit from other members receiving coaching. All calls will be recorded and uploaded to the membership area for participants who cannot attend live.
If for any reason you should lose your login information, have trouble watching the videos or downloading supplemental materials, or simply need to ask a question, you can email us at customercare@alexiavernon.com, and we’ll get you taken care of.
Is Your Spotlight Workshop just for women?
While the majority of my audience is female, men are welcome (and encouraged) to enroll.
I’ve got SO MUCH on my plate right now. Is this going to be super overwhelming and difficult for me to commit to?
I’ve designed this program for women (and men) who are doing important work in the world and are incredibly busy with their professional and personal lives. However, when we are committed to achieving a goal, we ALWAYS find a way to put in the time and elbow grease to make it happen. If you know it’s your time to create live events that have people clamoring to work with you in your high level private programs, and make you stand out as a thought leader, you will fit this in and you will give your all to the experience. (Plus, you will have access to all of the course materials for as long as we run the program, enabling you to revisit the material whenever you like.)
I’m terrified of public speaking. Can I still enroll?
Yes. Being terrified of public speaking is totally normal. More folks are than aren’t. This program will help you not only become more proficient in front of groups, you will also learn that giving workshops and other types of live events isn’t about being on stage in the spotlight. It’s really about sharing the spotlight with your participants. If you are 100% committed to leading transformational events, and are willing to practice the material I give you inside the program, you will surprise yourself with what you can achieve.
Is Your Spotlight Workshop just for coaches?
No. While many participants lead (or are planning to start) service-driven businesses, some participants aren’t in traditional “transformational” industries. From lawyers and CPAs, to copywriters and Facebook ads managers, anyone who wants to show her or his audience how to take action to improve their lives, their businesses or their communities can benefit from the program.
I’ve got a primarily online business. Why would coming offline be valuable for me?
It depends. Is there a reason why your audience would benefit from working with you in-person? In other words, might it set them up to want to work with you in an offering at an even higher price point than what you are currently offering? (Note: live workshops convert at much higher percentages than online offerings, even webinars, and the majority of women in my high-level mastermind have attended a live event with me. Although I have a thriving online business, my live events have generated a lot of income for me.)
I’m not looking to use workshops to enroll participants in anything beyond the workshop. Is this program still for me?
Yes. Workshops can be a powerful standalone offering – and I share many different ways to make them profitable, including how to make them a premium offering at a higher price point without an offer attached. Plus, if you are leading workshops for an employer or a corporate trainer (and not concerned about the marketing and profit pieces), you will still take heaps away from this program.
Have a question I didn’t answer?
Contact CustomerCare@AlexiaVernon.com and Angela or Stephen will take awesome care of you.
I want you to lead your own epic workshops and live events!
If you’ve been wanting to add workshops, and through them, enroll people into private coaching, retreats, masterminds, VIP days or retainer services, but haven’t done it, NOW is your time!
If you’re doing workshops but they are not earning enough profit to make it seem “worth it,” NOW is your time!
If you are ready to do good work AND earn big(ger) bucks, NOW is your time!
Alexia is mind-blowing. Amazeballs! Truly, Alexia is a gifted facilitator, an expert public speaking mentor and loving, listening, generous soul. This is the year I take my story to the stage!
Jen Leonard | Writer, Speaker, Show Host and Design Thinker, Brand New Ways
Alexia is intelligent, generous, and very intuitive. She has the ability to support women to move to their next level and is always spot on with her advice and delivers what she says she will. A worthwhile investment!
Dr. Kathy Kortes-Miller | Palliative Care Educator and Researcher
Now, it’s time to make a choice.
I’d love to show you how to connect with your audience, create transformational live workshops for them, and enroll them into ongoing opportunities with you. Just as importantly, I’d like to support you in cultivating the mindset and habits that make you a rock star in your workshop leadership AND in all the other facets of running a profitable business. This is a coaching AND training program. The work we do is deep. Delicious. And transfers into other areas of your business and personal life. You can (and through this program will) do good work. And be unapologetic about earning well for it.
14 Day Money Back Guarantee. If for any reason you are not 100 percent satisfied with Your Spotlight Workshop, for the first 14-days (Two Modules) we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Simply email us all of your completed assignments, and your full investment will be refunded to you. Please note: There are no refunds for those who enroll and decide not to start the program!
I’ve got one word for Alexia. “Masterful.” She is so talented and powerful in the most caring yet direct way. She sees right through our inner nonsense and calls us forward while calling us out on where we can grow.
She is so loving, but at the same time gives us straight talk which makes me feel safe with her. I’m not wondering what she’s thinking. I feel like she’s showing up in full transparency and as an open book. That cultivated a very powerful environment for our group, and made us open up faster.
Alexia is wise, experienced and super fun – definitely someone I look up to and would recommend with enthusiasm and without reservation. Watching her facilitate this masterful experience gave me a ton of ideas for how to incorporate workshops and retreats in my future!!!
More than any other experience for my professional or personal growth, working with Alexia has blown me away from start to finish. She is incredible at what she does and her unparalleled professionalism is both inspiring and completely genuine.
Marcie Mauro | Mindset and Personal Growth Expert, Speaker and Intuitive Fireball