The source of my ninjalike productivity (plus free offer to increase yours)

AlexiaCareer Advice, Coaching, Personal Development

If a ninja is defined as someone who “excels in a particular skill or activity,” I feel very comfortable proclaiming myself not only a ninja speaking coach but also a ninja when it comes to my entrepreneurial productivity.

For example, in September the week before leading a 3-day retreat, I knocked out all of the emails comprising my Find Your ‘Secret Sauce’ as a Storyteller Speaker Challenge. How did I do it? By writing from my heart, and without distraction, during the hour per day my daughter watches Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.

(Speaking of the #SpotlightStoryChallenge, if you haven’t joined me and hundreds of speakers for the 5-day challenge to develop your storytelling skills for speaking on live and virtual stages, be sure to sign-up here. We kick-off on October 24, 2016.)

I’ve got lots of other impressive examples – from creating my TED-style speech for the United Nations in less than a week (since that’s as much notice as I had) to unearthing the time to create Your Spotlight Talk in less than 6 months postpartum (solely around my newborn’s sleep schedule), but tooting my own horn isn’t the point.

The truth is I’ve worked hard (and smart) to cultivate the mindset and behavior set to get as much done in the course of a week as I do.

I drop or delegate almost everything I don’t enjoy doing or that isn’t income generating.

My day-to-day schedule is reverse engineered from goals 6-12 months in the future.

I schedule myself twice as long as I think I will need for a task so I constantly feel “accomplished” and “ahead of schedule.”

I consistently speak to myself in the language of success so that even when I’m sick, sad or downright depressed the narrative in my head is supporting me to transition back into my optimistic self.

I schedule myself to watch or read something funny every day because I know that laughter supports my productivity (and an overall strong quality of life).

And last fall, I made the decision to work privately with a coach and join her likeminded community of women who are equally serious about starting and scaling heart-centered businesses, many similarly learning to work creatively around children’s sleep schedules and with not a lot of childcare.

Who is said coach? Natalie MacNeil.

If you are new to her world, Natalie MacNeil is an Emmy Award-winning media entrepreneur and the Creator of

Natalie’s achievements are substantial. She raised a round of funding to launch her The Conquer Club program for women in 2013. She’s been listed on ForbesWoman’s “Top 10 Entrepreneurial Sites for Women,” and she has also landed 2 dreamy book deals with Penguin Random House, first for The Conquer Kit (which came out in December 2015), and also for Conquer Your Year (which comes out next month).

Yup, if I am a productivity ninja, Natalie is a productivity supernova!

Natalie is opening up registration for her FREE The Conquer Club Business Accelerator, where for 2 weeks she’ll support thousands of entrepreneurs to focus on ONE big-picture goal (e.g., landing media placements, attracting raving clients or building the perfect team).

Participants will receive gorgeous, professionally produced video trainings, worksheets, meditations, laser group coaching and other resources needed to lay out an actionable and achievable plan for realizing a big business or visibility goal.

I also love that Natalie has woven in live chat sessions with Conquer Club mentors and will be hosting Sprint Celebrations to acknowledge participants for what they have accomplished.

Click here to join me in Natalie MacNeil’s FREE The Conquer Club Business Accelerator.

And in the spirit of full disclosure, I am a proud member and affiliate of Natalie’s The Conquer Club, and I may receive a commission if you decide to enroll in this program after the Business Accelerator. I only recommend products & systems that I use and love myself. And given that Natalie is my personal coach, I know you’ll be in good hands if you decide to enroll in her group mentoring program.

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