Thought Leadership

2 Truths and 1 Lie About Thought Leadership

AlexiaCareer Advice, Public Speaking

I recently led a virtual half-day retreat for the women in my Spotlight Speakers Collective. We talked about how to transition from thinking of ourselves as speakers, business owners, and influencers to thought leaders building movements that go beyond presentations, training, programs, and individual client offerings. We explored how to create larger ripples of impact through brand partnerships, physical product …


The overlooked quality that turns good speakers into great speakers

AlexiaCareer Advice, Public Speaking

I recently was considering an opportunity to support a thought leader with a launch. In addition to determining whether I had interest in the content of her offering, and the time to dedicate to the promotion, I also needed to suss out whether or not the opportunity would appeal to my audience. (In case you haven’t noticed, I’m very choosy …

good girl

Why being “good” may be anything but

AlexiaCareer Advice, Coaching, Happiness, Leadership, Women's Issues, Work-Life Balance

F*ck. F*ck. F*ck. F*ck. F*ck. “What did you say, sweetie?” I asked, hoping I’d heard my daughter incorrectly.   And then she said it again. And again. And…again. After I put my eyes back into my sockets, unclenched my jaw and remembered how to breathe, my immediate next thought was, I’m a horrible mother. I knew my daughter had learned …

The source of my ninjalike productivity (plus free offer to increase yours)

AlexiaCareer Advice, Coaching, Personal Development

If a ninja is defined as someone who “excels in a particular skill or activity,” I feel very comfortable proclaiming myself not only a ninja speaking coach but also a ninja when it comes to my entrepreneurial productivity. For example, in September the week before leading a 3-day retreat, I knocked out all of the emails comprising my Find Your …

Getting Booked to Speak, My Melinda Gates Moment and a FREE Master Class Invite

AlexiaCareer Advice, Communication, Marketing and PR, Money, Public Speaking

“It doesn’t have to be hard.” I uttered these words at least half a dozen times to the women who participated in my The Spotlight MasterTreat last weekend. From designing a profitable speaking funnel to integrating one’s stories with her “idea worth spreading” to crafting her speaking pitches, the 19 women did some divine work as they reprogrammed their mindset …

Size Matters (get your head out of the gutter, important content awaits!)

AlexiaCareer Advice, Marketing and PR, Money, Uncategorized

Throughout the nearly 10 years I’ve had my consulting business, I’ve heard 1 of 2 theories when it comes to email list size. The size of your list is everything. Once you hit 5000 subscribers you can easily build and sustain a 6-figure plus business. Then, the second theory. List size is rubbish. It’s all about how engaged your audience …

I’m on fire (literally!) – my $100K speech + my biggest podcast interview

AlexiaCareer Advice, Coaching, Happiness, Public Speaking, Uncategorized

One of the questions I often pose in my Spotlight Speakers Salon Facebook group is, “What’s your dream opportunity?” For I know that whenever I declare a media outlet or stage where I aspire to speak (and then release my attachment to it), said media outlet or stage (or one even better) shows up. 2016 is the Year of the …

My #1 strategy for making speaking profitable (plus LIVE virtual Master Class invitation)

AlexiaAdult Learning, Career Advice, Communication, Money, Public Speaking

One of the top questions I’m asked by people who are looking to start or scale their speaking is, “What’s a ‘typical’ speaking fee?” While one of the things I know for sure about the speaking industry is that very few things about it are typical, a keynote for a corporation, conference or college can earn a speaker without a …

Choose the right mentor for this season (and meet mine!)

AlexiaAdult Learning, Career Advice, Coaching, Marketing and PR, Media, Women in Business

When I was 7 months pregnant, one of my friends and colleagues sent me an email with details on an upcoming virtual program on how to plan and execute a successful online launch. I had been harboring the idea of creating an online TED-style talk development program (what ultimately became Your Spotlight Talk) for years, but I had dozens of excuses …