One way to engage men post #MeToo and #TimesUp - make it safe for them to be vulnerable and ask questions

What a recent speaking gig taught me about men

AlexiaPublic Speaking

A few weeks ago, I premiered my new presentation – We’re Listening: How Companies Champion Their Women Post #MeToo and #TimesUp. It’s a speech I almost didn’t pitch, because I couldn’t figure out the title. Fortunately, Steve got involved as he watched me thrash around on my computer shortly before the submission was due. When I described what I wanted …

speaking success

This Skill Will Accelerate Your Speaking Success

AlexiaPublic Speaking

In part one of this four-part speaking success truth bomb series, I’m dishing on the number one skill that accelerates speaking success—speaking to the conversation in your audience members’ heads. Now, I want to acknowledge one of my mentors, Jonathan Fields, for this concept of the “conversation in the head.” During one of his trainings, Jonathan spoke about how this …

Connect with your audience and improve your speaking skills.

These 5 Words Radically Changed My Speaking Performance

AlexiaPublic Speaking

When I started my speaking career, I could have medaled in self-sabotage. Bury my voice behind other thought leaders’ ideas, research and opinions… check. Hustle for significance by using lots of slides and pack them with way too much information… check. Reject opportunities to show my mistakes, insecurities, humanity… double check. Of course, I had no idea I was getting …

How to dynamize your webinars & live presentations

AlexiaCommunication, Public Speaking

In my last blog post, I shared with you the importance of telling your story on stage, and invited you to join my free Find Your ‘Secret Sauce’ as a Storyteller Facebook Live Challenge to buff up the muscles to tell powerful (and high-converting) stories on stage. One of the stages where storytelling, unfortunately, is often at its weakest—webinars. When …

THIS is what people want from you as a speaker


Oh Lex, I could never share THAT story. This is a refrain I’ve heard hundreds of times from my clients and community members. In fact, at least 1/3 of the women in my Spotlight Speakers Collective said something like that while I helped them curate material for the speaker reels they filmed with me a few weeks back. I don’t …