Can your coach give you the speaking career (and biz) you crave?

AlexiaPublic Speaking, Uncategorized

What got you to where you are—it won’t get you to where you want to be. I shared these words with my women at The Spotlight MasterTreat a few weeks ago. Aren’t they an inspired looking bunch?!   The mindset, habits, skills and relationships that get you to your first level of success (whether you define that by number of …

Size Matters (get your head out of the gutter, important content awaits!)

AlexiaCareer Advice, Marketing and PR, Money, Uncategorized

Throughout the nearly 10 years I’ve had my consulting business, I’ve heard 1 of 2 theories when it comes to email list size. The size of your list is everything. Once you hit 5000 subscribers you can easily build and sustain a 6-figure plus business. Then, the second theory. List size is rubbish. It’s all about how engaged your audience …

I’m on fire (literally!) – my $100K speech + my biggest podcast interview

AlexiaCareer Advice, Coaching, Happiness, Public Speaking, Uncategorized

One of the questions I often pose in my Spotlight Speakers Salon Facebook group is, “What’s your dream opportunity?” For I know that whenever I declare a media outlet or stage where I aspire to speak (and then release my attachment to it), said media outlet or stage (or one even better) shows up. 2016 is the Year of the …

Say “Heck Yeah” to Retrograde

AlexiaPersonal Development, Uncategorized, Work-Life Balance

I don’t know about you, but I am SUPER SENSITIVE to a Mercury Retrograde, a time when the planet Mercury slows down and appears to (although it does not) actually move backwards. During the three to four times when this period happens each year, people often experience a range of “retrograding” symptoms. Because the planet Mercury rules communication, people often …

I Got Schooled During My Pedicure

AlexiaCommunication, Culture, Uncategorized

Last minute appointment cancellations used to drive me bonkers. As a new mom, they now are my excuse for impromptu self-care. During one such incident last week when I was already on the road, I decided to use Yelp to identify the closest nail salon. Within 15 minutes my feet were soaking in a foot spa. The man performing my …