Half-truths. They feel benign enough until too many of them stack-up and then are served back to us at the most inopportune moment. “I will have that email to you within the hour.” It seems harmless, even when we know we really won’t fire it off until the next morning, until we get passed over for a promotion because of our poor time management. “I want to spend more time as a family.” We may believe that in our heads and even in our hearts, but our partners throw that half-truth we spoke in our faces when we cancel weekend plans in order to hole ourselves up at home and work.
In an article I wrote for Inc. last week, “Keep It Simple and Tell Your Truth,” I shared that “For years I spent too much time and bandwidth proving that, despite my age, I had the qualifications.” I overemphasized media hits, talked about fancy places where I’d spoken, but I never told the full truth – that for as long as I’d lived I’d had an on again, off again relationship to my voice. (You can read the full article, which includes my top 3 lessons for transparent and effective business communication here.)
One of the half-truths I have told for a long time is that I am going to take my business online. I believed what I was saying; I just didn’t act on it. It felt scary, necessitated a tremendous front-end investment of time and money, and required me to make a lot of business hires. I was comfortable being a lone ranger with a part-time assistant or two.
But I wasn’t so comfortable with this half-truth.
It was costing me a lot. Sleep. Revenue. My integrity.
What are your half-truths costing you?
On Tuesday, November 11th, I made good on this half-truth. I opened the shopping cart for my Your Spotlight Talk program. Designed for executives, entrepreneurs, educators, artists, and industry thought leaders, Your Spotlight Talk takes aspiring through seasoned speakers through the process I have honed through doggedly pursuing one-on-one speaking clients to create, book, and perform a TED-worthy talk.
It’s good. Great. Game-changing. I know that just a few days in from the comments people I adore and trust have made.
“Alexia is incredible – strategically, tactically and emotionally. Her presence and guidance are unmatched. You’re in the right place with what Alexia has built and launched! ”
Amy Jo Martin, CEO & Founder Digital Royalty, NYT Bestselling Author and TEDx Speaker
“Wow! Alexia has really outdone herself with Your Spotlight Talk. This program is the real deal: it’s holistic and comprehensive. From really strategic ways for mining business and life experiences for speaking material to quick and effective tips for building relationships with speaking decision makers, Your Spotlight Talk has EVERYTHING, and then some, that an emerging thought leader needs to develop a winning talk – and get booked to deliver it. I wish I’d had Alexia’s program back when I was launching my speaking and training business. It will be a game-changer for sure!”
Halelly Azulay, Leadership and Communication Author, Speaker, Facilitator, and President of TalentGrow LLC
“It’s easy to look at charismatic speakers and think they have a gift, but in reality it’s a skill. The only thing that can’t be taught is passion but – as long as you bring that – I promise Lex will teach you the rest (and so much more!) in Your Spotlight Talk.”
Emily Bennington, Mindful Leadership Expert and Founder of AWAKE EXEC® Conscious Career Design
Here’s what no testimonial can tell you—this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done professionally. And yet doing it has been the greatest step I have ever made in aligning who I say I want to be with who I am.
For too many people, speaking (especially in the TED style) feels scarier than a Hitchcock film. And I know that fear. I just also know what lies on the other side of it—sheer bliss, colossal impact, and a feeling of leaving the legacy you were put on earth to make.
Whatever half-truths you may be telling others, and especially yourself, I want you to experience the utter joy that comes from being completely honest.
I’ll send that email tomorrow.
I’m going to put in a half-day on Saturday so that we can go out as a family, without cell phones, the rest of the day.
And if one of your half-truths is that you are going to speak up more at work, at industry conferences, or lead your own workshops or seminars—let me help you make good on your words.
Hop on over to Your Spotlight Talk.