Haters, Copycats and Raving Fans (why they have everything and nothing to do with you)

AlexiaCommunication, Happiness, Personal Development, Public Speaking, Work-Life Balance

I’m finally experiencing the post-launch afterglow I’ve heard online business friends and colleagues mention which has thus far eluded me. My insides feel as soft and fluffy as marshmallows. I wake up and my first thought is, “thank you,” rather than, “What do I need to attend to first?” I laugh and cuddle with my family during non-work hours without …

Why I Give It All Away (my reasons and my results)

AlexiaCommunication, Marketing and PR, Personal Branding, Teaching, Women in Business

I gave away A LOT of free content this summer. To be specific, 3 Workshops That Wow video trainings, 4 live master classes, 2 webinars, 6 podcasts, 3 video interviews, 3 articles, and countless group and one-on-one Q+A calls and Periscopes. I poured my everything into giving new and existing members of my tribe complimentary access to me and to …

I Just Can’t Quit You – why I’m opening up private coaching spots

AlexiaCareer Advice, Communication

“Lex, if you want to coach again, just coach again,” my friend—the incredibly talented designer and brand strategist, Suzi Istvan, said. “But I made such a big deal about not working privately anymore. I don’t want to come across as disingenuous,” I said. (Okay, maybe I didn’t talk so much as whine.) “A worse lie is preventing yourself from doing …

Now is your time to be seen

AlexiaCareer Advice, Coaching, Communication, Women's Issues

Just remember that the walls you face are not for you. They are for those who thought the path would be easy. For those who don’t want it bad enough. For those who feel their work isn’t important enough to help others step into their moxie. My husband wrote these words to me this passed Christmas. At the time I …

Lessons in Living & Speaking from a Head-on Collision…That Wasn’t (plus a full tuition scholarship opportunity)


If we’re Facebook friends you might have read about my almost (and fortunately not quite!) head-on collision with a vehicle going the wrong way down a one-way street last week. While my car and my person may not have physically felt the impact, the latter has certainly experienced the impact personally, professionally, and spiritually. I’m ready to slow down…and speak …

I’m Finally Telling the Truth + Your Spotlight Talk has arrived!

AlexiaAdult Learning, Communication, Leadership, Personal Development

Half-truths. They feel benign enough until too many of them stack-up and then are served back to us at the most inopportune moment. “I will have that email to you within the hour.” It seems harmless, even when we know we really won’t fire it off until the next morning, until we get passed over for a promotion because of …

I Spoke This Dream Into Being

AlexiaCareer Advice, Happiness, Women in Business

Monday, March 17, 2014. It was just two weeks after I had begun my healing journey back from postpartum depression. While going on hormone replacement therapy a week earlier had enabled me to feel like I was close to being 100 percent back to me, the horrors of what I had felt, thought, and projected into the future were still …

Protect Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

AlexiaCareer Advice, Financial

For business leaders, no matter how well-intentioned we are, there is a never ending stream of problems that have the potential to sink us. Or at the very least make us feel like we are swimming backwards, or even just treading water, rather than swimming ahead. I’ve, unfortunately, swum into a lot of them over the years. When I launched my …

THIS is what you were born to talk about

AlexiaCommunication, Culture

It’s been exactly a month since I started working one-on-one with my final group, at least for the foreseeable future, of individual entrepreneurs, executives, creatives, professionals, and thought leaders on their spotlight talks. It’s been a wild and truly awesome ride. Through their collective passion, experience, and expertise I’ve had the opportunity to learn about everything from bodybuilding, health insurance, …