Can I share something with you? I’ve been noticing a trend at many of the speaking events I’ve attended this year (maybe you are too) where most speakers fall into one of two camps. The Charlatan – This kind of a speaker, who frequently pops up at business building events, oozes salesiness. And even if what he or she is …
These Ladies Booked TEDx Talks (With These Keynote Speaker Tips!)
There is no greater source of pride than when someone in one of your programs emails you to say, “I booked a speaking gig!” When that person is a member of your first DIY virtual speaker training program, (and used your keynote speaker tips) and the gig she booked was a TEDx talk… well, that’s even sweeter. Varelie Croes, the …
Speaking lessons from leading my mastermind
One of the many things I love about December professionally (in addition to the two week break I take over the holidays to rest and restore before opening enrollment for my virtual speaker coaching program in early-January each year), is leading the women in my Spotlight Speakers Collective for a MasterTreat™ weekend. (If you’ve never been to one of my …
Is feedback empowering or undermining your speaking performance?
For far too many years, I’m ashamed to admit, I was absolutely positively lousy when it came to giving myself feedback as a speaker. I would think about (or if there was video, review) one of my performances and decide: Lex, you totally crushed it! OR Lex, you suckedy suck sucked. What’s wrong with you, sista? Both of these responses, …
I want to retire the words Me Too
While it’s the day before American Thanksgiving, and I know I am supposed to say how grateful I am to have you in my community (which I am), wish you a happy holiday (which I do), I also need to be honest and say my heart has felt like it’s been cut open for the better part of the last …
If you want to be a changemaker, tell the truth
Every time there’s a whistle blowing moment covered by the media, particularly when it revolves around sexual abuse or sexual harassment, I lose my breath a bit. At four-years old, when I told my family I was being sexually abused by a loved one, the reactions were… mixed. (That’s the polite way of saying that while a few people sought …
Can I share a workshop secret with you?
Although we have a strict rule in our house, “no secrets, only surprises,” I figured if I titled this post “a workshop surprise” you might have gotten the wrong idea. One of the biggest mistakes I see my clients make when leading their live workshops is striving to come up with an original opening. And the problem with “original” is …
How live workshops unite us
One of the first workshops I ever led was for a group of underprivileged high school students in an alternative school in Brooklyn, New York. At the time, I had just stepped into a role coordinating a violence prevention theatre program, and my supervisor told me she had a “sense” I would do well with this particular group. After my …
Meet my hunky COO (big announcement)
In some capacity, I’ve envisioned making the kind of announcement I’m about to make for the last four years, even if it wasn’t until this summer that I felt certain it was time to make the following decision. Drumroll please… I’m excited to introduce you to my new COO, my husband, Stephen. While both Steve and I are a little …
The overlooked quality that turns good speakers into great speakers
I recently was considering an opportunity to support a thought leader with a launch. In addition to determining whether I had interest in the content of her offering, and the time to dedicate to the promotion, I also needed to suss out whether or not the opportunity would appeal to my audience. (In case you haven’t noticed, I’m very choosy …